Tran Phuong – Hoang Nguyen Minh Phuong

Chinh phuc toan hoc - Challenge Mathematics

Tác giả: Tran Phuong – Hoang Nguyen Minh Phuong   |   Tủ sách: Vietnamese Authors’ Works
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[ThaiHaBooks] Today many Vietnamese families have created good conditions for their own children to take part in international mathematical exams such as IMO, IMSO, APMOPS, and so forth.

The book has been written with the aim to help 8-to-14-year-old students develop mathematical ability and have a good preparation for international mathematical exams. It is a combination of one teacher, Mr Tran Phuong, with one student, Ms Hoang Nguyen Minh Phuong.

Mr Tran Phuong is the best-known teacher for students at primary and secondary schools in Vietnam, and Ms Hoang Nguyen Minh Phuong has gotten a lot of scholarships at famous universities all over the world as a student.

The book has centered on Caculation and Rule of number series. It is said that this is foundation to study Mathematics. They appear at most of the international mathematical exams organized in primary and secondary schools. Especially, they are present at IQ Test for international scholarships and companies. Thus, the book is useful for both students and adults.

The book has been written in details and has embodied update information so it is not hard to approach.

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