Bui Quang Thang

Net cu duyen xua - Old-fashioned Charm

Tác giả: Bui Quang Thang   |   Tủ sách: Vietnamese Authors’ Works
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[ThaiHaBooks] Traditional costumes of each ethnic, each community, each nation has become their cultural feature. Among them, traditional costumes for women are so interesing. They are more complicated and more typical. Women are skillful and creative. It is said that rough works under them have turned into nice works from material to color.

With much passion in traditional culture in general, and traditional costumes in particular, the author would like to clarify about the Vietnamese tradition in nature and provide readers authentic information. His hope is to help readers, especially young readers to be aware of their responsibility to preserve traditional values in Vietnamese costumes.

Bui Quang Thang is a tourist guide. He has acquired much knowledge of traditional Vietnamese culture. During his journeys to various regions all over Vietnam, he has taken notes of everything he could have seen and observed. He wrote NET CU DUYEN XUA based on his own experiences and efforts to research historical and cultural materials. NET CU DUYEN XUA is readable and understandable because it does not embody academic data. It seems to be a very simple and condensable story of traditional costumes through history. Therefore, readers who do love traditional Vietnamese culture can approach it easily.

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