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One cup of tea goes half of the world

Author: Di Li
Retail price: 120,000VNĐ
Page: 326
Size: 15.5×23cm

Thời gian vận chuyển

- Sách sẽ được gửi từ 1 - 3 ngày sau khi nhận được đơn hàng
- Kiểm tra nhận hàng trước khi thanh toán
- Đổi trả trong 30 ngày nếu sản phẩm lỗi

[ThaiHaBooks] This is a food travel book. With more than 300 page, author takes us to travel and enjoy cuisine from one land to another, all over the world. You can come across happy Japanese cows, the pinnacle  of minimalist cuisine from Japanese Sushi, Chinese delicacies or dishes from the Mediterranean, the Atlantic… More than a travel book or cuisine food, this two-in-one book will take you from one surprise to another and then you have to ask yourself “did I go around the world?”

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